MRT logoMaterial React Table

Column Filtering Feature Guide

Filtering is one of the most powerful features of Material React Table and is enabled by default. There is a lot of flexibility and customization available here. Whether you want to customize the powerful client-side filtering already built in or implement your own server-side filtering, Material React Table has got you covered.

Relevant Table Options

Array<MRT_FilterOption | string> | null
MRT Column Filtering Docs
MRT Column Filtering Docs
MRT Column Filtering Docs
TanStack Filters Docs
MRT Column Filtering Docs
TanStack Filters Docs
Record<string, FilterFn>
TanStack Table Filters Docs
TanStack Filtering Docs
() => Map<any, number>
TanStack Table Filters Docs
() => RowModel<TData>
TanStack Table Filters Docs
() => Map<any, number>
TanStack Table Filters Docs
() => RowModel<TData>
TanStack Table Filters Docs
TanStack Table Filters Docs
TanStack Table Filtering Docs
AutocompleteProps | ({ column, rangeFilterIndex, table }) => AutocompleteProps
Material UI Autocomplete Props
CheckboxProps | ({ column, table}) => CheckboxProps
Material UI Checkbox Props
DatePickerProps | ({ column, rangeFilterIndex, table }) => DatePickerProps
MUI X DatePicker Props
SliderProps | ({ column, table}) => SliderProps
Material UI Slider Props
TextFieldProps | ({ table, column, rangeFilterIndex}) => TextFieldProps
Material UI TextField Props
OnChangeFn<{ [key: string]: MRT_FilterOption }>
TanStack Table Filter Docs
({ column, internalFilterOptions, onSelectFilterMode, table }) => ReactNode[]

Relevant Column Options

MRT Column Filtering Docs
MRT Column Filtering Docs
MRT Column Filtering Docs
({ column, header, table }) => ReactNode
MRT Column Filtering Docs
Array<string | { label: string; value: string }>
'text' | 'select' | 'multi-select' | 'range' | 'range-slider' | 'checkbox'
AutocompleteProps | ({ column, rangeFilterIndex, table }) => AutocompleteProps
MUI X DatePicker Props
CheckboxProps | ({ column, table }) => CheckboxProps
Material UI Checkbox Props
DatePickerProps | ({ column, rangeFilterIndex, table }) => DatePickerProps
MUI X DatePicker Props
SliderProps | ({ column, table}) => SliderProps
Material UI Slider Props
TextFieldProps | ({ column, rangeFilterIndex, table }) => TextFieldProps
Material UI TextField Props

Relevant State Options

{ [key: string]: MRT_FilterFn }
Array<{id: string, value: unknown}>
TanStack Table Filters Docs

Disable Filtering Features

Various subsets of filtering features can be disabled. If you want to disable filtering completely, you can set the enableColumnFilters table option to false to remove all filters from each column. Alternatively, enableColumnFilter can be set to false for individual columns.

enableFilters can be set to false to disable both column filters and the global search filter.

Filter Variants

Material React Table has several built-in filter variants for advanced filtering. These can be specified on a per-column basis using the filterVariant option. The following variants are available:

  • 'text' - shows the default text field

  • 'autocomplete' - shows an autocomplete text field with the options from faceted values or specified in filterSelectOptions array.

  • 'select' - shows a select dropdown with the options from faceted values or specified in filterSelectOptions array.

  • 'multi-select' - shows a select dropdown with the options from faceted values or specified in filterSelectOptions and allows multiple selections with checkboxes

  • 'range' - shows min and max text fields for filtering a range of values

  • 'range-slider' - shows a slider for filtering a range of values

  • 'date' - shows a date picker for filtering by date values

  • 'date-range' - shows a date range picker for filtering by date ranges

  • 'checkbox' - shows a checkbox for filtering by 'true' or 'false' values

'autocomplete', 'date', and 'date-range' variants are new in v2

ActiveTanner Linsley$100,000.002/23/201642San FranciscoCalifornia
ActiveKevin Vandy$80,000.002/23/201951RichmondVirginia
InactiveJohn Doe$120,000.002/23/201427RiversideSouth Carolina
ActiveJane Doe$150,000.002/25/201532San FranciscoCalifornia
InactiveJohn Smith$75,000.006/11/202342Los AngelesCalifornia
ActiveJane Smith$56,000.002/23/201951BlacksburgVirginia
InactiveSamuel Jackson$90,000.002/23/201027New YorkNew York
1-7 of 7

Source Code

1import { useMemo } from 'react';
2import {
3 MaterialReactTable,
4 useMaterialReactTable,
5 type MRT_ColumnDef,
6} from 'material-react-table';
7import { citiesList, data, type Person, usStateList } from './makeData';
9const Example = () => {
10 const columns = useMemo<MRT_ColumnDef<Person>[]>(
11 () => [
12 {
13 header: 'Status',
14 accessorFn: (originalRow) => (originalRow.isActive ? 'true' : 'false'), //must be strings
15 id: 'isActive',
16 filterVariant: 'checkbox',
17 Cell: ({ cell }) =>
18 cell.getValue() === 'true' ? 'Active' : 'Inactive',
19 size: 170,
20 },
21 {
22 accessorKey: 'name',
23 header: 'Name',
24 filterVariant: 'text', // default
25 size: 200,
26 },
27 {
28 accessorKey: 'salary',
29 header: 'Salary',
30 Cell: ({ cell }) =>
31 cell.getValue<number>().toLocaleString('en-US', {
32 style: 'currency',
33 currency: 'USD',
34 }),
35 filterVariant: 'range-slider',
36 filterFn: 'betweenInclusive', // default (or between)
37 muiFilterSliderProps: {
38 marks: true,
39 max: 200_000, //custom max (as opposed to faceted max)
40 min: 30_000, //custom min (as opposed to faceted min)
41 step: 10_000,
42 valueLabelFormat: (value) =>
43 value.toLocaleString('en-US', {
44 style: 'currency',
45 currency: 'USD',
46 }),
47 },
48 },
49 {
50 accessorFn: (originalRow) => new Date(originalRow.hireDate), //convert to date for sorting and filtering
51 id: 'hireDate',
52 header: 'Hire Date',
53 filterVariant: 'date-range',
54 Cell: ({ cell }) => cell.getValue<Date>().toLocaleDateString(), // convert back to string for display
55 },
56 {
57 accessorKey: 'age',
58 header: 'Age',
59 filterVariant: 'range',
60 filterFn: 'between',
61 size: 80,
62 },
63 {
64 accessorKey: 'city',
65 header: 'City',
66 filterVariant: 'select',
67 filterSelectOptions: citiesList, //custom options list (as opposed to faceted list)
68 },
69 {
70 accessorKey: 'state',
71 header: 'State',
72 filterVariant: 'multi-select',
73 filterSelectOptions: usStateList, //custom options list (as opposed to faceted list)
74 },
75 ],
76 [],
77 );
79 const table = useMaterialReactTable({
80 columns,
81 data,
82 initialState: { showColumnFilters: true },
83 });
85 return <MaterialReactTable table={table} />;
88//Date Picker Imports - these should just be in your Context Provider
89import { AdapterDayjs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDayjs';
90import { LocalizationProvider } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/LocalizationProvider';
92const ExampleWithLocalizationProvider = () => (
93 //App.tsx or AppProviders file
94 <LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDayjs}>
95 <Example />
96 </LocalizationProvider>
99export default ExampleWithLocalizationProvider;

Faceted Values for Filter Variants

Faceted values are a list of unique values for a column that gets generated under the hood from table data when the enableFacetedValues table option is set to true. These values can be used to populate the select dropdowns for the 'select' and 'multi-select' filter variants, or the min and max values for the 'range-slider' variant. This means that you no longer need to manually specify the filterSelectOptions table option for these variants manually, especially if you are using client-side filtering.

Tanner Linsley$100,000.00San FranciscoCalifornia
Kevin Vandy$80,000.00RichmondVirginia
John Doe$120,000.00RiversideSouth Carolina
Jane Doe$150,000.00San FranciscoCalifornia
John Smith$75,000.00Los AngelesCalifornia
Jane Smith$56,000.00BlacksburgVirginia
Samuel Jackson$90,000.00New YorkNew York
1-7 of 7

Source Code

1import { useMemo } from 'react';
2import {
3 MaterialReactTable,
4 useMaterialReactTable,
5 type MRT_ColumnDef,
6} from 'material-react-table';
7import { data, type Person } from './makeData';
9const Example = () => {
10 const columns = useMemo<MRT_ColumnDef<Person>[]>(
11 () => [
12 {
13 accessorKey: 'name',
14 header: 'Name',
15 filterVariant: 'autocomplete', // default
16 size: 100,
17 },
18 {
19 accessorKey: 'salary',
20 header: 'Salary',
21 Cell: ({ cell }) =>
22 cell.getValue<number>().toLocaleString('en-US', {
23 style: 'currency',
24 currency: 'USD',
25 }),
26 filterVariant: 'range-slider',
27 filterFn: 'betweenInclusive', // default (or between)
28 muiFilterSliderProps: {
29 //no need to specify min/max/step if using faceted values
30 marks: true,
31 step: 5_000,
32 valueLabelFormat: (value) =>
33 value.toLocaleString('en-US', {
34 style: 'currency',
35 currency: 'USD',
36 }),
37 },
38 },
39 {
40 accessorKey: 'city',
41 header: 'City',
42 filterVariant: 'select',
43 //no need to specify filterSelectOptions if using faceted values
44 },
45 {
46 accessorKey: 'state',
47 header: 'State',
48 filterVariant: 'multi-select',
49 //no need to specify filterSelectOptions if using faceted values
50 },
51 ],
52 [],
53 );
55 const table = useMaterialReactTable({
56 columns,
57 data,
58 enableFacetedValues: true,
59 initialState: { showColumnFilters: true },
60 });
62 return <MaterialReactTable table={table} />;
65export default Example;

Custom Faceted Values

If you are using server-side pagination and filtering, you can still customize the faceted values output with the getFacetedUniqueValues and getFacetedMinMaxValues props.

const table = useMaterialReactTable({
enableFacetedValues: true,
//if using server-side pagination and filtering
getFacetedMinMaxValues: (table) => {
//fetch min and max values from server
return [minValue, maxValue];
//if using server-side filtering
getFacetedUniqueValues: (table) => {
const uniqueValueMap = new Map<string, number>();
//fetch unique values from server, ideally including the count of each unique value
return uniqueValueMap;

Column Filter Display Modes

By default, column filters inputs show below the column header. You can switch to a more "excel-like" UI by setting the columnFilterDisplayMode table option to 'popover'. This will show a filter icon in the column header that can be clicked to open a popover with the filter input.

const table = useMaterialReactTable({
columnFilterDisplayMode: 'popover', //filter inputs will show in a popover (like excel)

Alternatively, if you want to render your own column filter UI in a separate sidebar, but still want to use the built-in filtering functionality, you can set the columnFilterDisplayMode table option to 'custom'.

const table = useMaterialReactTable({
columnFilterDisplayMode: 'custom', //render your own column filter UI (e.g. in a sidebar)
1-4 of 4

Source Code

1import { useMemo } from 'react';
2import {
3 MaterialReactTable,
4 useMaterialReactTable,
5 type MRT_ColumnDef,
6} from 'material-react-table';
7import { data, type Person } from './makeData';
9const Example = () => {
10 const columns = useMemo<MRT_ColumnDef<Person>[]>(
11 () => [
12 {
13 accessorKey: 'id',
14 header: 'ID',
15 },
16 {
17 accessorKey: 'firstName',
18 header: 'First Name',
19 },
20 {
21 accessorKey: 'lastName',
22 header: 'Last Name',
23 },
24 {
25 accessorKey: 'gender',
26 header: 'Gender',
27 filterFn: 'equals',
28 filterSelectOptions: ['Male', 'Female', 'Other'],
29 filterVariant: 'select',
30 },
31 {
32 accessorKey: 'age',
33 header: 'Age',
34 filterVariant: 'range',
35 },
36 ],
37 [],
38 );
40 const table = useMaterialReactTable({
41 columns,
42 data,
43 columnFilterDisplayMode: 'popover',
44 });
46 return <MaterialReactTable table={table} />;
49export default Example;

Custom Filter Functions

You can specify either a pre-built filterFn that comes with Material React Table or pass in your own custom filter functions.

Custom Filter Functions Per Column

By default, Material React Table uses a fuzzy filtering algorithm based on the popular match-sorter library from Kent C. Dodds. However, Material React Table also comes with numerous other filter functions that you can specify per column in the filterFn column options.

Pre-built MRT Filter Functions

Pre-built filter functions from Material React Table include between, betweenInclusive, contains, empty, endsWith, equals, fuzzy, greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqualTo, lessThan, lessThanOrEqualTo, notEmpty, notEquals, and startsWith. View these algorithms here

Pre-built TanStack Table Filter Functions

Pre-built filter functions from TanStack Table include includesString, includesStringSensitive, equalsString, equalsStringSensitive, arrIncludes, arrIncludesAll, arrIncludesSome, weakEquals, and inNumberRange. View more information about these algorithms in the TanStack Table Filter docs.

You can specify either a pre-built filter function, from Material React Table or TanStack Table, or you can even specify your own custom filter function in the filterFn column option.

const columns = [
accessorKey: 'firstName',
header: 'First Name',
// using a prebuilt filter function from Material React Table
filterFn: 'startsWith',
accessorKey: 'middleName',
header: 'Middle Name',
// using a prebuilt filter function from TanStack Table
filterFn: 'includesStringSensitive',
accessorKey: 'lastName',
header: 'Last Name',
// custom filter function
filterFn: (row, id, filterValue) =>

If you provide a custom filter function, it must have the following signature:

(row: Row<TData>, id: string, filterValue: string | number) => boolean;

This function will be used to filter 1 row at a time and should return a boolean indicating whether or not that row passes the filter.

Add Custom Filter Functions

You can add custom filter functions to the filterFns table option. These will be available to all columns to use. The filterFn table option on a column will override any filter function with the same name in the filterFns table option.

const columns = [
accessorKey: 'name',
header: 'Name',
filterFn: 'customFilterFn',
const table = useMaterialReactTable({
filterFns: {
customFilterFn: (row, id, filterValue) => {
return row.customField === value;

Filter Modes

Enable Column Filter Modes (Filter Switching)

If you want to let the user switch between multiple different filter modes from a drop-down menu on the Filter Textfield, you can enable that with the enableColumnFilterModes table option or column option. This will enable the filter icon in the filter text field to open a drop-down menu with the available filter modes when clicked.

const table = useMaterialReactTable({
enableColumnFilterModes: true,

Customize Filter Modes

You can narrow down the available filter mode options by setting the columnFilterModeOptions table option or a column specific columnFilterModeOptions option.

const columns = [
accessorKey: 'firstName',
header: 'First Name',
columnFilterModeOptions: ['fuzzy', 'contains', 'startsWith'],
accessorKey: 'age',
header: 'Age',
columnFilterModeOptions: ['between', 'lessThan', 'greaterThan'],

Render Custom Filter Mode Menu

You can also render custom menu items in the filter mode drop-down menu by setting the renderColumnFilterModeMenuItems table option or column option. This option is a function that takes in the column and returns an array of MenuItem components. This is useful if you want to add custom filter modes that are not included in Material React Table, or if you just want to render the menu in your own custom way

const columns = [
accessorKey: 'firstName',
header: 'First Name',
renderColumnFilterModeMenuItems: ({ column, onSelectFilterMode }) => [
onClick={() => onSelectFilterMode('startsWith')}
Start With
onClick={() => onSelectFilterMode('yourCustomFilterFn')}
Your Custom Filter Fn
const table = useMaterialReactTable({
enableColumnFilterModes: true,
// renderColumnFilterModeMenuItems could go here if you want to apply to all columns
return <MaterialReactTable table={table} />;

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Source Code

1import { useMemo } from 'react';
2import {
3 MaterialReactTable,
4 useMaterialReactTable,
5 type MRT_ColumnDef,
6} from 'material-react-table';
7import { MenuItem } from '@mui/material';
8import { data, type Person } from './makeData';
10const Example = () => {
11 const columns = useMemo<MRT_ColumnDef<Person>[]>(
12 () => [
13 {
14 accessorKey: 'id',
15 enableColumnFilterModes: false, //disable changing filter mode for this column
16 filterFn: 'equals', //set filter mode to equals
17 header: 'ID',
18 },
19 {
20 accessorKey: 'firstName', //normal, all filter modes are enabled
21 header: 'First Name',
22 },
23 {
24 accessorKey: 'middleName',
25 enableColumnFilterModes: false, //disable changing filter mode for this column
26 filterFn: 'startsWith', //even though changing the mode is disabled, you can still set the default filter mode
27 header: 'Middle Name',
28 },
29 {
30 accessorKey: 'lastName',
31 header: 'Last Name',
32 //if you do not want to use the default filter modes, you can provide your own and render your own menu
33 renderColumnFilterModeMenuItems: ({ onSelectFilterMode }) => [
34 <MenuItem key="0" onClick={() => onSelectFilterMode('contains')}>
35 <div>Contains</div>
36 </MenuItem>,
37 <MenuItem
38 key="1"
39 onClick={() => onSelectFilterMode('customFilterFn')}
40 >
41 <div>Custom Filter Fn</div>
42 </MenuItem>,
43 ],
44 },
45 {
46 accessorKey: 'age',
47 columnFilterModeOptions: ['between', 'greaterThan', 'lessThan'], //only allow these filter modes
48 filterFn: 'between',
49 header: 'Age',
50 },
51 ],
52 [],
53 );
55 const table = useMaterialReactTable({
56 columns,
57 data,
58 enableColumnFilterModes: true, //enable changing filter mode for all columns unless explicitly disabled in a column def
59 initialState: { showColumnFilters: true }, //show filters by default
60 filterFns: {
61 customFilterFn: (row, id, filterValue) => {
62 return row.getValue(id) === filterValue;
63 },
64 },
65 localization: {
66 filterCustomFilterFn: 'Custom Filter Fn',
67 } as any,
68 });
70 return <MaterialReactTable table={table} />;
73export default Example;

Expanded Leaf Row Filtering Options

If you are using the filtering features along-side either the grouping or expanding features, then there are a few behaviors and customizations you should be aware of.

Check out the Expanded Leaf Row Filtering Behavior docs to learn more about the filterFromLeafRows and maxLeafRowFilterDepth props.

Manual Server-Side Column Filtering

A very common use case when you have a lot of data is to filter the data on the server, instead of client-side. In this case, you will want to set the manualFiltering table option to true and manage the columnFilters state yourself like so (can work in conjunction with manual global filtering).

// You can manage and have control over the columnFilters state yourself
const [columnFilters, setColumnFilters] = useState([]);
const [data, setData] = useState([]); //data will get updated after re-fetching
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
// send api requests when columnFilters state changes
const filteredData = await fetch();
}, [columnFilters]);
const table = useMaterialReactTable({
data, // this will already be filtered on the server
manualFiltering: true, //turn off client-side filtering
onColumnFiltersChange: setColumnFilters, //hoist internal columnFilters state to your state
state: { columnFilters }, //pass in your own managed columnFilters state
return <MaterialReactTable table={table} />;

Specifying manualFiltering turns off all client-side filtering and assumes that the data you pass to <MaterialReactTable /> is already filtered.

Here is the full Remote Data example featuring server-side filtering, pagination, and sorting.

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Source Code

1import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react';
2import {
3 MaterialReactTable,
4 useMaterialReactTable,
5 type MRT_ColumnDef,
6 type MRT_ColumnFiltersState,
7 type MRT_PaginationState,
8 type MRT_SortingState,
9} from 'material-react-table';
11type UserApiResponse = {
12 data: Array<User>;
13 meta: {
14 totalRowCount: number;
15 };
18type User = {
19 firstName: string;
20 lastName: string;
21 address: string;
22 state: string;
23 phoneNumber: string;
26const Example = () => {
27 //data and fetching state
28 const [data, setData] = useState<User[]>([]);
29 const [isError, setIsError] = useState(false);
30 const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);
31 const [isRefetching, setIsRefetching] = useState(false);
32 const [rowCount, setRowCount] = useState(0);
34 //table state
35 const [columnFilters, setColumnFilters] = useState<MRT_ColumnFiltersState>(
36 [],
37 );
38 const [globalFilter, setGlobalFilter] = useState('');
39 const [sorting, setSorting] = useState<MRT_SortingState>([]);
40 const [pagination, setPagination] = useState<MRT_PaginationState>({
41 pageIndex: 0,
42 pageSize: 10,
43 });
45 //if you want to avoid useEffect, look at the React Query example instead
46 useEffect(() => {
47 const fetchData = async () => {
48 if (!data.length) {
49 setIsLoading(true);
50 } else {
51 setIsRefetching(true);
52 }
54 const url = new URL(
55 '/api/data',
56 process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
57 ? ''
58 : 'http://localhost:3000',
59 );
60 url.searchParams.set(
61 'start',
62 `${pagination.pageIndex * pagination.pageSize}`,
63 );
64 url.searchParams.set('size', `${pagination.pageSize}`);
65 url.searchParams.set('filters', JSON.stringify(columnFilters ?? []));
66 url.searchParams.set('globalFilter', globalFilter ?? '');
67 url.searchParams.set('sorting', JSON.stringify(sorting ?? []));
69 try {
70 const response = await fetch(url.href);
71 const json = (await response.json()) as UserApiResponse;
72 setData(;
73 setRowCount(json.meta.totalRowCount);
74 } catch (error) {
75 setIsError(true);
76 console.error(error);
77 return;
78 }
79 setIsError(false);
80 setIsLoading(false);
81 setIsRefetching(false);
82 };
83 fetchData();
84 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
85 }, [
86 columnFilters, //re-fetch when column filters change
87 globalFilter, //re-fetch when global filter changes
88 pagination.pageIndex, //re-fetch when page index changes
89 pagination.pageSize, //re-fetch when page size changes
90 sorting, //re-fetch when sorting changes
91 ]);
93 const columns = useMemo<MRT_ColumnDef<User>[]>(
94 () => [
95 {
96 accessorKey: 'firstName',
97 header: 'First Name',
98 },
99 //column definitions...
117 ],
118 [],
119 );
121 const table = useMaterialReactTable({
122 columns,
123 data,
124 enableRowSelection: true,
125 getRowId: (row) => row.phoneNumber,
126 initialState: { showColumnFilters: true },
127 manualFiltering: true,
128 manualPagination: true,
129 manualSorting: true,
130 muiToolbarAlertBannerProps: isError
131 ? {
132 color: 'error',
133 children: 'Error loading data',
134 }
135 : undefined,
136 onColumnFiltersChange: setColumnFilters,
137 onGlobalFilterChange: setGlobalFilter,
138 onPaginationChange: setPagination,
139 onSortingChange: setSorting,
140 rowCount,
141 state: {
142 columnFilters,
143 globalFilter,
144 isLoading,
145 pagination,
146 showAlertBanner: isError,
147 showProgressBars: isRefetching,
148 sorting,
149 },
150 });
152 return <MaterialReactTable table={table} />;
155export default Example;

Customize Material UI Filter components

You can customize the Material UI filter components by setting the muiFilterTextFieldProps table option or column option.

You can also turn a filter textfield into a select dropdown by setting the filterSelectOptions table option or column option.

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Source Code

1import { useMemo } from 'react';
2import {
3 MaterialReactTable,
4 useMaterialReactTable,
5 type MRT_ColumnDef,
6} from 'material-react-table';
8export type Person = {
9 id: number;
10 firstName: string;
11 lastName: string;
12 gender: string;
13 age: number;
16const Example = () => {
17 const columns = useMemo<MRT_ColumnDef<Person>[]>(
18 () => [
19 {
20 accessorKey: 'id',
21 header: 'ID',
22 muiFilterTextFieldProps: { placeholder: 'ID' },
23 },
24 {
25 accessorKey: 'firstName',
26 header: 'First Name',
27 },
28 {
29 accessorKey: 'lastName',
30 header: 'Last Name',
31 },
32 {
33 accessorKey: 'gender',
34 header: 'Gender',
35 filterFn: 'equals',
36 filterSelectOptions: [
37 { label: 'Male', value: 'Male' },
38 { label: 'Female', value: 'Female' },
39 { label: 'Other', value: 'Other' },
40 ],
41 filterVariant: 'select',
42 },
43 {
44 accessorKey: 'age',
45 header: 'Age',
46 filterVariant: 'range',
47 },
48 ],
49 [],
50 );
52 const data = useMemo<Person[]>(
53 //data definitions...
86 );
88 const table = useMaterialReactTable({
89 columns,
90 data,
91 initialState: { showColumnFilters: true },
92 muiFilterTextFieldProps: {
93 sx: { m: '0.5rem 0', width: '100%' },
94 variant: 'outlined',
95 },
96 });
98 return <MaterialReactTable table={table} />;
101export default Example;

Custom Filter Components

If you need custom filter components that are much more complex than text-boxes and dropdowns, you can create and pass in your own filter components using the Filter column option.

Filter Match Highlighting

Filter Match Highlighting is a new featured enabled by default that will highlight text in the table body cells that matches the current filter query with a shade of the theme.palette.warning.main color.

Filter Match Highlighting will only work on columns with the default text filter variant. Also, if you are using a custom Cell render override for a column, you will need to use the renderedCellValue table option instead of cell.getValue() in order to preserve the filter match highlighting.

const columns = [
accessorKey: 'name',
header: 'Name',
Cell: ({ renderedCellValue }) => <span>{renderedCellValue}</span>, // use renderedCellValue instead of cell.getValue()

Disable Filter Match Highlighting

This feature can be disabled by setting the enableFilterMatchHighlighting table option to false.

const table = useMaterialReactTable({
enableFilterMatchHighlighting: false,

View Extra Storybook Examples